메일 내용
This is the last reminder.
Your system has been hacked.
All the data from your device were copied to our servers. Besides, a video was recorded from your camera while you were watching porn.
My virus infected your device via an adult website that you visited recently.
If you don’t know how that works, I will provide the details.
The trojan virus provides me full access, as well as control of the device you are using. As a result, I can see your screen, turn on the camera and microphone while you won’t know about it.
I captured a video from your screen and the camera of the device. I edited a video wherein one part of the screen there is a video of you masturbating and in the other a pornographic video that you opened at that time.
I can see all the contacts from your phone and all of your social networks. At one moment, I can send this video to all the contacts on your phone, email, and social networks.
Moreover, I can also send your email and messenger data to everybody. I can destroy your reputation forever.
If you want to avoid this, then:Send 1100 USD (USA dollars) to my bitcoin wallet
(if you don’t know how to do that, search “buy bitcoin” using Google).
My BTC wallet: 비트코인 지갑
As soon as I receive the payment, I will destroy your video and guarantee not to disturb you ever again.
You have 50 hours (a little more than 2 days) to complete this payment. I receive an automatic notification that this email has been read. Likewise, the timer will automatically start after you read the current email.
Don’t try to complain anywhere since the wallet cannot be tracked in any way; the email from which this mail came is also can’t be tracked and is created automatically, so there is no point in replying to me. If you try to share this letter with anyone, the system will automatically send a request to the servers, and servers will start sending all of the data to the social networks.
Changing passwords in social networks, email, devices won’t help since all the data has already been downloaded to my servers’ cluster.
I wish you good luck and don’t do anything stupid. Think about your reputation
한글로 한 줄 요약
한 마디로 당신의 컴퓨터나 폰의 카메라를 해킹하였으며, 당신의 개인정보 유출을 막기 위해서는 비트코인을 달라는 이야기입니다.
이것을 해결하려면 어떻게 해야하나요?
단순합니다. 무시하고 메일을 갖다 버리는 것입니다.
답장 보내도 되나요?
절대 답장하지 마세요. 답장한다면 피싱범들에게 “이 메일은 살아있어요”라고 광고하는 셈입니다.
진짜 해킹당한게 아닌가요?
진짜 해킹이라면 시스템에 대문짝만하게 “당신의 컴은 해킹당했습니다. 돈을 보내세요”라고 띄웁니다.
피싱과 해킹에 대해서
피싱 : 낚시를 생각하시면 쉽습니다. 사람들에게 불안, 공포 등을 주어 경제적 이익을 취하려는 행위입니다.
스미싱 : 문자를 통해 피싱하는 것입니다. (피싱과 스미싱에 대한 자세한 정보:https://itcider.com/80)
해킹 : 보안적 취약점을 통해 개인정보를 배내는 것입니다.